Filling the Well, Fall Style

fall2013 005After the wettest September on record, October has offered up a series of foggy mornings and brilliantly clear afternoons. And though I’ve been indoors a little more than I’d like to be, I have managed to sneak outside now and then to appreciate the beauty up close.


Early morning walks in the fog  . . .  fall2013 007









Give way to afternoons in the country before the fog rolls back in.


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A trip across the water to the big city . . .

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Where there are touches of color in the concrete jungle:


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Planning dinner with the fall mushrooms in the market . . .

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And leaving room for dessert too:


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Watching a movie crew transform Art Gallery Square on Georgia in downtown Vancouver to a square in New York City . . . fall2013 015






And going back later that night to see Seth Rogan shooting scenes for his movie The Interview:

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But for us . . . the day is a wrap.


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