Book Love

 People are often surprised when they learn that I don’t belong to a book club. I adore everything about books – reading them, writing them, and (in spite of my well-used eReader) the very physicality of them, as witnessed by the overflowing bookshelves in my house.

So why not a book club? Many people swear by them. Several of my friends, in fact, belong to book clubs and love them (I’m waving at you, Leah and Alice).

For me, though, book clubs conflict with how books are meant to be experienced. They take me back to high school with its enforced reading and dissection of characters, plot and theme. I’m also not a fan of being assigned mandatory reads. I have enough trouble getting through my own ‘to be read’ pile! And I certainly don’t want to struggle through a book I don’t like so I can share criticisms with others. The most I want to say about a book I don’t care for is ‘it’s not for me.’ Because that book might be just right for someone else.

That’s not to say I don’t talk about books with others. I talk about them all the time. I have friends who love to read and we often recommend titles to each other or discuss what we’re reading. If we read the same book, it’s fun to compare notes afterwards. I’ll admit, book discussions with writer friends sometimes do veer into specifics about what we liked or didn’t like about a given novel. But we generally approach the subject from deep craft point of view and always with the understanding and underlying respect for the many inherent challenges (as well as courage!) that it takes to write any novel and see it through to publication.

At the end of the day, writers write so people will be moved and entertained by their stories. That’s all that truly matters. That and reading the book. So, regardless of whether you’re in a book club or not, read a book. If you liked it, tell a friend. And then read another book. And another . . .

The Year of the Snake


Happy Chinese New Year! According to the Chinese lunar calendar, 2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake. Sometimes referred to as the Spring Festival, this 16-day celebration originated 3,500 years ago in ancient China and is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture as it marks the end of winter and the beginning of the new year.

In Chinese mythology, the snake symbolizes wisdom, initiation, charm and slyness. It’s often linked to the element of fire which represents passion and transformation. The Wood Snake specifically is seductive and creative, as well as absolutely ruthless.

When it comes to literature and mythology, the snake is one of the most symbolically significant animals. And while you may associate it with evil, snake symbolism is much more far-reaching.

For centuries, it has been a symbol of rebirth, renewal and eternity, largely because of its ability to shed its own skin.  In many cultures, snakes have been associated with darkness and the underworld, probably because they spend so much time hiding under rocks or in pits below the earth. In the Bible’s Book of Genesis it’s a serpent or snake (symbolizing Satan) that speaks to Eve and tempts her to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge.

In other cases, however, snakes have been associated with more positive symbolism, particularly when it comes to healing properties and medicine. The staff of Asclepius with a serpent wrapped around it originally symbolized the Greek god of healing. Today, we associate it with pharmacies and medicine, a throwback to the theme of renewal and rejuvenation.

Snakes appear in many works of fiction too. One of the most famous is Kaa, the Indian python from Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book. When I watched the movie as a child, I thought Kaa was the villain. Kipling, however, didn’t write the story that way. In the original book, scary Kaa rescues Mowgli, the boy-hero, by defeating the monkeys and freeing the child. The snake in that story represents both savior and danger, underscoring once again the ambiguous symbolism of both savior and danger.

I’m not sure if that holds any significance as we head into the Year of the Wood Snake. But if the events of last week are any indication, perhaps it means that we can expect both good and bad over the coming year . . . and with wisdom and patience we’ll find the courage to move forward and leave the bad behind us. Eventually shedding the old and embracing the new just like the snake sheds its skin and renews itself.

Happy Chinese New Year!

My January Reads


The garden might be in hibernation mode, but the neighborhood birds are active. They love that we didn’t get to the deadheading last fall. After dining on the seed heads, they play tag with each other before resting on the branches we didn’t prune. One of my favorites is a tiny green Anna’s hummingbird that loves to drink nectar from the Sarcococca Confusa (Sweet Box) outside our kitchen window before perching on the weeping Maple. It’s almost enough to keep me from my reading. Almost, but not quite.

I didn’t read quite as many books as normal in 2024. I noted down 52 titles, one for each week, though I know I read slightly more than that. I lost track when we were travelling. I hope to surpass that number this year. Here’s what I’m reading this month.

By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult

One Way Back by Christine Blasey Ford

Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto by Kolei Saito

Books read to date in 2025: 4

Happy New Year


The Christmas lights are put away, the extra treats have all been consumed (in rather alarming quantities this year) and my 2025-day book is open and ready to be marked up. Yes, I still like a physical planner, in spite of the fact that I also keep track of deadlines and appointments on my phone.

A number of my friends choose a word of the year. Doing this encourages them to think carefully about what they want to focus on over the coming months and how to bring their values into alignment with that goal. I’ve never done it but I thought it might be fun. Instead of coming up with my own word, however, I decided to toss it out to the universe.  So, I found this on line:

 I clicked …and laughed. The word I got? Invest. I don’t have the means or the knowledge to invest. I also have (what some would call) an alarming lack of interest in anything deeply financial. I’m not talking about the daily necessities of paying bills, tracking expenses, balancing accounts. I do that with ease. But the investment side of life, how financial markets work, that kind of thing, leaves me cold. In fact, just this morning, and before I chose my word, I was reading an article on politics and I came across a new-to-me phrase ‘the financialization of housing in Canada.’ I had no idea what it meant and had to look it up.

So, the word invest didn’t resonate. At least not at first. But then I thought about the multiple ways I could invest. Virtually every single one of them involved that most precious of commodities: time. I could invest time in myself (my health, my self-care). In others (family, friends, colleagues). In various art forms (writing being one). In my garden (doing my small bit to care for the Earth). And I could also find the time to invest in joy (laughing and savoring the simple things in life).


Maybe there is something to choosing a word of the year. I’m thinking carefully now about how I will invest my time and energy this year. And I’m reminding myself that there’s more to life, to people, to words, than the first thing that pops to mind.

Happy New Year!

Happy Solstice and Merry Christmas

Today I’m celebrating with my family. It’s solstice – the start of winter and a time of renewal as we welcome the gradual return to more light. A few days from now it will be Christmas, and then we’ll be turning the calendar on another year. However you celebrate, and whatever you have planned (or not planned) for this holiday season, I wish you peace, joy and love. And I hope 2025 brings you many happy surprises. See you in the New Year!

My Reading Wish List, Take Two


As much as I love to lose myself in a good novel, I also enjoy a great non-fiction read. Dipping into a memoir or a book about cooking or gardening takes me out of the realm of plotting, setting, and character development, and puts me into someone else’s life or gets me thinking about flowers or food!  Here are a few books I’d be happy to find under my tree this holiday season.

The Garden Against Time: In Search of a Common Paradise by Olivia Laing. As Laing restores an 18th century garden at her home in the English countryside, she also explores issues of gratitude, stewardship and the contradictions of gardens themselves.  Another garden book on my short list is One Garden Against the World: In Search of Hope in a Changing Climate by Kate Bradbury who writes about how her climate-change anxiety pushed her to look for positive ways to do more for wildlife and biodiversity.

The Light Eaters: How the Unseen World of Plant Intelligence Offers a New Understanding of Life on Earth by Zoe Schlanger. While acknowledging that the subject of plant intelligence divides scientists, Schlanger travels the globe interviewing biologists and researching how plants have adapted and developed the intelligence needed to survive and thrive. Can plants interact and help each other? Recognize caretakers? Feel pain? Do they retain memories? Schlanger addresses these questions and more in a book that became a New York Times bestseller and also hit Time’s 100 Must-Read Books of 2024 list.

The Traitor’s Daughter: Captured by Nazis, Pursued by the KGB, My Mother’s Odyssey to Freedom from Her Secret Past by Roxana Spicer. The story of a daughter’s decades-long quest to understand her mother, who was born in Lenin’s Soviet Union, served as a combat solider in the Red Army, and endured three years of Nazi captivity—but never revealed her darkest secrets. Spicer, a Canadian journalist and documentarian, became obsessed with discovering the truth and traveled back to many of the places that played a role in her mother’s story. Exhaustively researched and powerfully told, Spicer’s book became an instant Canadian bestseller.

One Way Back, a Memoir by Christine Blasey Ford. Psychology Professor Blasey Ford stepped forward during the confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh to testify about being abused by Kavanaugh when she was a teenager. This memoir goes behind the headlines to focus on the impact on Dr. Ford and her family who became a lightning rod for extremists after her testimony. Ford believed that politicians would care about truth rather than being controlled by their quest for power, and she was entirely unprepared for the mistreatment she received from the Senate Judiciary Committee and the FBI.

Golden Years – How Americans Invented and Reinvented Old Age by James Chappel. Historian Chappel details out how old age first emerged as a distinct stage of life and how it evolved over the last century, shaped by politicians’ choices, activists’ demands, medical advancements, and the depiction of aging people in novels, films, television programs and even greeting cards. The move from seeing seniors as fragile and needy to individuals with the power and political clout to age well raises issues that we continue to grapple with today. Insightful and easy-to-read, Chappel’s book urges readers to consider how current policies and cultural attitudes might evolve to better support an aging population.

Zaytinya: Delicious Mediterranean Dishes from Greece, Turkey and Lebanon by Jose Andres. I’m a lover of Mediterranean food and a big fan of Spanish-American chef Jose Andres, so this book is on my definite short list. Based on recipes from his restaurant of the same name, Andres presents creative adaptations of the classic dishes of Greece, Turkey, and Lebanon. Drool-worthy reading at its finest.

My Reading Wish List


Usually at this time of year I recommend book picks for the readers on your holiday gift giving list. This year, instead of trying to guess the tastes of your lucky recipients, I thought I’d tell you what I’d love to find wrapped and under my tree. Below are some fiction picks I’d be thrilled to receive.

A Way to Be Happy by Caroline Adderson.  A Globe 100 Best Book of 2024 and longlisted for the 2024 Giller Prize, Adderson’s short story collection features disparate but vividly drawn characters who, in the face of inevitable challenges, must come to some sort of acceptance as they consider what it means to be happy. Short story collections are easy to dip into when time or attention spans are short, but the short story, as a literary form, is complex and surprisingly hard to write, and this latest offering from BC author Adderson is billed as touching, funny and thought-provoking.

The Leap Year Gene of Kit McKinley by Shelley Wood, another BC author. This novel, which is getting lots of buzz, traces the life of Kit McKinley who is born on leap year during WW1 and grows one year older every four years. Unnaturally slow to age, Kit and her family must keep moving to protect her secret from insatiable newshounds, Nazi scientists, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies. Billed as a race through the past century’s burgeoning understanding of genetics, eugenics, and what constitutes ‘normal,’ the novel also explores the tensions, love and sense of duty that can bind families together or split them apart.

The Women by Kristin Hannah. While this novel deals with war, a subject I go out of my way to avoid, I loved Hannah’s novel The Nightingale (set during World War 11) so much, that I’m willing to try another war novel of hers. This time, Hannah takes us back to the mid-sixties, shortly after JFK was shot in Texas, when men are being sent to Vietnam. The story focuses on nurse Frances “Frankie” McGrath, who longs for a place on her father’s “Hero’s Wall” and volunteers for service in Vietnam.  Hannah says she was inspired to write the novel because of the number of female veterans who told her that their service and sacrifice had been ignored because ‘there were no women in ‘Nam.’  Her research proved the latter was absolutely not true.

Death at the Sign of the Rook by Kate Atkinson. I love a good mystery (it takes me back to those days reading Nancy Drew) and the latest Kate Atkinson (book six in the Jackson Brodie series) has all the elements: a diverse group of people come together for a lavish murder mystery weekend at Rook Hall, one of England’s finest stately homes. Throw in a snowstorm, a corpse and an art theft to solve, and you have the makings of another great Atkinson tale.

By Any Other Name by Jodi Picoult is a dual timeline novel. In one timeline, set in 1581, Picoult tells the story of Emilia Bassano who is the true author of Willliam’s Shakespeare’s plays, while the modern day second timeline features playwright Melina Green, who is an ancestor of Emilia and is having trouble getting her plays produced . . . until she submits one under a different name. Meticulously researched with detailed endnotes to support her theme, Picoult apparently provides compelling evidence and thought-provoking ideas on Shakespeare’s true authorship, while also exploring how two women who lived five centuries apart are forced to write under male pseudonyms in order to be taken seriously and make their voices heard. It may not be a light read but it sounds like a worthwhile one.

The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern by Lynda Cohen Loigman.  About to turn eighty, newly retired (and not by choice!) pharmacist Augusta Stern is adrift. When she relocates to an active senior community in Florida, she unexpectedly bumps into Irving Rivkin, the delivery boy from her father’s pharmacy, and the man who broke her heart sixty years earlier.  Also a dual timeline novel, this story switches between 1920s Brooklyn – the Prohibition era, the gangs, the importance of pharmacists and the role of a traditional pharmacy, and the challenges young Augusta faces in choosing her career – and 1987 Florida where Augusta faces a challenge of a different kind: avoiding Irving Rivkin at all costs. This ode to second chances has been touted by multiple readers as being sweet, funny and uplifting . . . and I think we can all use a bit of uplift these days.

I’ll be back next week with some non-fiction picks I’d love to receive this holiday season. Stop by and tell me what’s on your reading wish list.

What We Conceal


After a few months of being happily distracted and out of my routine, I’m back at my desk enjoying the pleasures of writing, reading, and tending to simple tasks.  It’s the old Zen proverb in action: ‘Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water.’

Cue enlightenment. Last weekend I took a writing workshop from Becca Puglisi (for any writers reading this, do yourself a favor and google books by Becca Puglisi and her writing partner, Angela Ackerman; one of my favorites is The Emotional Wound Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Psychological Trauma).

Last weekend’s workshop was on hidden emotions and subtext. Puglisi showed us how to convey, through dialogue, what our characters are hiding and not saying. We all hide our emotions at times, Puglisi maintained. And we all lie at times too, she added.

Frankly, this didn’t sit well with me. Wouldn’t life be easier if we shared honestly and openly, but with respect? It might not shape tension in a novel, but when it comes to life, I value transparency. I connect it with integrity, something that’s also important to me.

I thought about our recent month in Japan. Instead of showing their real feelings, Japanese people usually use tatemae in public. Tatemae (建前) literally means ‘built in front.’ It refers to the facade people put in front of others to please them or avoid confrontation, and it often contradicts their true feelings. We were warned about this very thing from someone who had lived in Japan for several years. “Be careful asking for directions,” they said, “because even if someone doesn’t have an answer, they may use tatemae and point you in the wrong direction.”   And that’s exactly what happened multiple times. We would carefully follow the directions we were given only to become hopelessly lost and taken further afield from our destination. It would have been much easier for us if people had simply said ‘I don’t know.’  However, it wouldn’t have been easier for them because there’s a high cultural value on saving face in Japan.

Still, that’s Japan I told myself. It’s different in North America.

Or is it?

Puglisi, who lives in Florida, used the example of a single mother who holds differing political views from her coworkers and refrains from sharing them for fear of repercussions like losing her job and being unable to feed her kids. Or a man who lies outright to his sister about his political affiliations because if he shared honestly, he wouldn’t be allowed at his dying mother’s bedside.

Those are extreme cases. That’s not the norm, I told myself. Yet the same political divide is happening in Canada. The same issues are cropping up here.

“We all lie at times,” Puglisi repeated. “We all hide our emotions, mask judgements, water down opinions, hold back information, redirect and control conversations. Those are all forms of lying.”

Framed that way, I was better able to relate to the point Puglisi was making.

For instance, my daughter recently took my five-year-old grandson for his shot. She knew it would hurt; she expected him to scream (and scream he did) but she masked her emotions because her getting upset would only add to his distress. In another instance, when pressed by one family member about the romantic inclinations of another family member, I was anything but transparent. I deliberately withheld information that wasn’t mine to give, redirecting the conversation to something more mundane.

A lack of transparency, concealing things, is not only an option at times, sometimes it is the best option. Unless, of course, you’re lost in the middle of Tokyo and desperately need help finding your way. Then I’m all for transparency. Or calling a cab.

Happy Thanksgiving


It’s the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, a natural time to reflect on and give thanks for the harvest and the many blessings in our lives. Things are a little different for us this year as we’re currently traveling through Japan. We’re incredibly grateful for the opportunity to travel and we’re particularly thankful to be experiencing the richness of the Japanese culture. As we celebrate the bounty of this season, I leave you with a few of my favorite Japanese proverbs.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

My September Reads

Though the kids are back to school, the leaves are ever so slowly starting to fade and there’s a crispness to the morning air, I am still in summer mode. I’m loving our garden dahlias, sunny afternoons spent writing on the patio, and sneaking away for the occasional picnic dinner on the beach. These warm days won’t last; I know that. Maybe that’s what makes them feel so special.  And is always the case for me, a good book makes any day better. Here’s what I’m reading this month.

Love, Japan by Sawako Okochi and Aaron Israel

The Butterfly Box by Santa Montefiore

Rice, Noodle, Fish by Matt Goulding

Books read to date in 2024: 39