Today is the first day of spring in the Pacific Northwest and for once the weather is in line with the calendar. The sun is shining, clear and strong. The crocuses are up. The birds are in high spirits. And so, apparently, are the sea otters. Yesterday, one propelled its way up from the water’s edge to our house. I know they’re cute (at least some people think so) but they’re particularly aggressive with dogs so I’m careful to watch Team Sheltie when they’re out in the garden. Because the weather is warming up, the garden is on my mind and one of my current book picks reflects that. Here’s what I’m reading this month:
Beside the pond: Plants That Speak, Souls That Sing by Fay Johnstone
Before bed: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Spears
On the weekend: The Care and Feeding of My Mother by Jann Arden
Books read to date in 2019: 12