I’m on a Jojo Moyes reading kick at the moment. I hadn’t heard of this British novelist until about a month ago when a writer friend recommended I read her novel Me Before You (thank you EC Sheedy). I get lots of reading recommendations. And I have a ‘to be read’ pile that deserves its own zip code. But Me Before You – a layered and thought-provoking love story – sounded interesting. Plus, it was available at the library and in hard cover (and I’m always looking for hard cover books to read on the elliptical) so I picked it up. I figured I’d read it, in fits and starts, when I went to the gym.
It was a well-intentioned plan. But it failed. I read Me Before You in two days. I read it whenever and wherever I could (once when I was cooking dinner). When I wasn’t reading it, I was thinking about it. Or, more specifically, thinking about Louisa and Will. Me Before You made me laugh. It made me cry. And as soon as I finished, it made me go out and get another Jojo Moyes book.
What I’m reading right now:
At the Gym:
The Last Letter From Your Lover by Jojo Moyes
Beside the Bed:
Stitches by Anne Lamott
In the Tub:
The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult
Books read to date 2014: 14