One Step Closer

There’s lots happening lately ‘below stairs,’  in the office where I exercise my muse. I’m gaining traction on a new YA, finishing up a set of revisions on another and learning to do it all on a treadmill desk (more about that in an upcoming blog). Last week I took a break from both of those projects to read the page proofs for Hot New Thing. I’m pleased with how this novel turned out and I’m looking forward to the official launch in March 2014.   Meanwhile, here’s a sneak peak of the back cover copy and the striking cover produced by the creative folks at Orca Book Publishers. Everybody is thrilled with how it turned out!

How much is Lily willing to sacrifice for a shot at fame?

Lily O’Neal is thrilled when she’s discovered by a big-name director while auditioning for a role in a toothpaste commercial.  Even better: he wants her for his new movie, but it’s shooting in L.A. and Lily lives in Vancouver. With the help of her Chinese grandmother, she convinces her parents to let her go to LA.  When she gets there, however, Lily learns that if she’s going to be more than the flavor of the week, she may have to pay a price that’s far too high. 

Hot New Thing

One Stop Title Shop

ArtoftheTItleThere are times when a one stop title shop would come in handy. Though I’m an ambivalent shopper at the best of times – and rarely have trouble coming up with titles myself – it’s frustrating when a title is elusive.

Most of my titles arrive, in one form or another, as I’m writing a book. Sometimes the title occurs to me before I even start.  I get attached to my titles too. Seriously attached. In the same way I’m attached to my eyes or any other body part.  They become part of the whole and not something I want to live without.

So title changes can be challenging.

A few weeks ago, my editor at Orca Book Publishers said I needed to change the title for an upcoming young adult novel. The original title – Flavor of the Week – was a perfect fit, except for one thing. The word flavor can be spelled with a u (the Canadian and British spelling) or without a ‘u’ which is the American version.  Orca prints and distributes their books in both Canada and the U.S. and they use American spelling.  So I did too when I typed out the word flavor. It was all good, or so I thought.  But while Canadian readers are, for the most part, happy with American spelling, they tend not to like American spelling in their titles.  And who wants to annoy a reader before they even open the book? Not Orca and not me.

A title change was necessary.

This happened to me once before.  Lesia’s Dream was originally titled Under a Prairie Sky. I loved that title. It was as perfect as my right arm. HarperCollins liked the title too. So did Anne Laurel Carter. When she released her own Under a Prairie Sky (a delightful picture book) the season before my YA came out, HC quickly requested a title change.  It took numerous brainstorming sessions and a lot of back and forth but eventually we came up with Lesia’s Dream.  Which I love.

So, with a little more brainstorming and exchanging of lists, I’m sure we’ll come up with a fitting replacement for Flavor of the Week.   In the meantime, if you know of any one stop title shops, could you let me know?