Authors in the Classroom

Grade 4 class 001

It’s back to school this month.   As an author who writes books for teens and children, this time of year always makes me think of literacy. There are many wonderful worlds waiting to be discovered within the pages (or screens) of books. One of my joys as an author is sitting down at my computer and bringing those worlds to life. I also enjoy doing school visits.  It’s an opportunity to reach readers of all ages (and maybe convert a few non-readers in the crowd). I love talking about writing and creating and publishing. I never forget to stress the importance of persistence and revision. Mostly I like to inspire others to find and nourish their own creative well.

When I was in Grade Four (yes, that’s me circled above), I knew I wanted to be a writer. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind (much to my mother’s horror). But I had no idea authors existed outside the pages of their books. Well, they did then, and they still do today. Only these days it’s a lot easier to find one willing to go into schools. It’s a great opportunity to leave our fictional worlds behind and meet characters who talk out loud instead of only in our heads.  And whenever I talk to kids I always wonder if maybe, just maybe, I’m talking to an author-in-the-making.

If you’d like to arrange an author visit, feel free to drop me an email. If you’d like more information, go to the bio link here on my website and click on author talks.

See you at school!

Being Present, Take Two . . .

P1000911My January vow to live in the present has taken a beating this last while. I’m planning a new novel, expecting a revision letter soon on another and fielding enquiries about possible spring author talks, so I’m very much looking forward. Besides that, February isn’t the easiest month to endure. It’s cold and rainy here on the Island. Today, the wind is so bitter that people are bundled up in hats and scarves and furtively whispering about the possibility of snow. The birds have deserted the pond. Even the dogs don’t want to linger outside.

But being outside inevitably brings me back to the present. And with the snowdrops blooming around the neighbor’s tree, and a field of crocuses putting on a show just down the block, the present is a good place to be. Because, yes, even February has its charms. P1000918